April 11, 2018

The shop is in a state of confusion today!  I've had a few projects on the go for a few weeks and the sop has gotten more and more disorganised. After thinking about it for a while i have a few ideas to put into practice and i will share them here. I'm not one who is organised naturally, so unless I make it easy to organise it doesn't happen. Making it easy to just go around the shop at the end of the day, and put a few tools away in five minutes makes you a lot more prone to organisation. I am a firm believer in designated spots for tools. what i mean is everything has a home. Organisation for me means all tool that pertain to a task belong in one spot. things like marking tools all belong together, and cutting tools all belong in one spot.

I was watching a video by Alec Steele, and he was speaking about horizontal spaces and how they a magnet for clutter. It got me thinking about horizontal spaces in the workshop. horizontal spaces are very important in a wood shop. i find i have to be very disciplined in keeping the assembly bench and the benches tidy. 

In conclusion, i need to make it easier for myself to organise. There are great items on the market these days to help in this department. One of the items i will be using in the near future is kaizen foam by Fastcap, this product is awesome for making an organised shop. It would be awesome to hear from others in the comments other ideas for organisation.